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Joyful Journaling in January Post #1

Experience the magic of art and the Joyful Journaling in January (say that 3 times) series.

January is the perfect time to start keeping a journal. This is a handmade

book used to collect and store memories, photos, inspiring quotes, mementos or even inspire a daily art practice. There is no need to be an artist or writer to keep a journal. All you need is a creative desire, a journal, sketchbook or even an old book or magazine will do. This month follow along with me as we create an art journal of your very own. I will guide you through the basics of art journaling beginning with creating your own one of a kind journal using a composition book. Then during the month I will teach you different techniques, different approaches and the secrets to art journaling.

Creativity is a natural stress reliever. Your breath slows down and you feel calmer. Just a few minutes of creative play a day can reduce anxiety and add a dose of inspiration to your day. Through the process of creativity, you can connect with your most authentic self. You will learn to live in the moment and remember how to dream and to play. You'll be on a path of self discovery and healing. It’s a place where anything is possible.

You don't need a huge amount of supplies to begin. And, you don't need anything fancy, either. So, dont feel bad if you don’t have everything listed. You can use what you have or add as you go. I have listed some common things to begin with. As we go along you may discover you want to add to your supplies. That's up to you. Remember this is your book and you are the author so keep it simple or go all out You'll discover what's right for you.

Basic supply list -

Composition book

Scissors or paper cutter

Glue stick

Spray glue

Tacky glue

School glue


Scrapbook paper, colored paper, drawing paper etc.

Old books and magazines

Junk mail


Ephemera - stickers, printables, ticket stubs, old letters, sheet music etc.

Washi tape

Ink stamp pads


Matte medium


Etc. etc. etc.

You see what I mean, anything goes in art journaling. For the first class you’ll only need a journal or composition book, scissors or paper cutter, glue or glue spray or stick. During the month of January we will be going live on Facebook with the tips, tricks and techniques to begin your journey. All videos will be stored in our YouTube channel katesullivanstudios for later viewing.

Carry on and keep creating


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